Apply to be an FYP Mentor

2024-2025 First-Year Program Mentor Selection

All current students can apply to become First-Year Program (FYP) mentors. In order to apply to become a mentor, you should take the following steps:

  1. Review the FYP mentor job description so that you understand the nature and expectations of the position.
  2. Complete the online FYP mentor application.
  3. You will be notified of your status no later than the beginning of block 8.


  • Block 6: Mentor application opens, sstudents apply to become FYP mentors.
  • Block 8: Hiring decisions sent to all students


  • Agree to the FYP mentor terms of appointment.
  • MentorsĀ must enroll in the GS120: Critical Approaches to the Liberal Arts adjunct course during their first semester of work.
  • Attend and participate in FYP mentor training during NSO (Fall Start) or WSO (Winter Start).
  • Be on campus for at least six blocks during the 2024-20235 academic year (which must include Blocks 1 & 2) and willing to work closely and closely with first year students during this period. Winter Start Mentors must be on campus for at least three blocks (including Blocks 5 & 6).
  • Serve as positive role model and point of contact for first-year students throughout the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Remain in good academic and conduct standing throughout duration of appointment.
Report an issue - Last updated: 02/22/2024